Monday, October 22, 2012

Chapter 17 Advertising and Public Relations


IKEA’s advertising strategy is categorized as institutional advertising. They are making their image better by advertising. For example, IKEA’s tv commercial that I attached above is doing very well. The commercial shows that IKEA is supporting customer’s long and happy home life. 
Moreover, this magazine advertising below is very good to show how important to get good bed. Interestingly, those ads are focusing on how customers are expericing their lives with IKEA's products while other home-furnishing companies tend to focus on price or how good the quality of their products are.

Public Relations

IKEA is focusing more on public relations than advertising. They uploaded this video on Youtube and their website. This video is indicating that IKEA is professional about home-furnishing by showing that they are considering not only products but also customers. Altough space is the one of the biggest problems when it comes to home-furnishing, few home-furnishing stores do not consider it or actually do cosider it but fail to tell customers about it. IKEA focused on this problem. And, they considered a solution to it and are telling it to customers through public relations so that customers know that IKEA is actually considering society and customers in addition to making money.
In addition, they are using IKEA website to publisize themselves. On the website, they are showing what they are selling, who they are, and what they are doing for society.

IKEA's advertising and public relations strategies are both institutional. They succeeded creating and maintaining their good image for society.

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