Friday, September 28, 2012

Chapter 5: Developing a Global Vision

IKEA is doing global marketing. They have customers all over the world. However, they do not alter their products depending on countries or region. Their products and Websites are globally standardized.
For example, IKEA's lether armchair called SKOGABY is sold all over the world without any change. Because of that, they do not have to re-design and re-create new products. They just globally standardize their products and sell them. Of course, this means less design and marketing costs because they already have the design and know how to make it.

Also, IKEA's Websites are standadized all over the world. Let's compare American and Japanese Websites.
Those websites are almost same except the languages. This also means less cost of establishing Websites because all they have to do is translating. They do not have to change the structure.
Most importantly, their standardizations are accepted all over the world. If it failed, IKEA's business would be disastrous.

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